Here we are...
The beginning of my blog- something I've had on the never ending to-do list for quite some time- one of those things I never quite seemed to have enough "time" for, but I'm starting a new chapter in my life- and I'm set on accomplishing all the things I've always wanted to do.
Why have I always wanted to start (and maintain) a blog.....
1. Home decorating, crafting, cooking, baking- have always been passions... What I do in my free time, and I want to share it with as many people as I can.
2. A way for my friends/family to keep up with what's going on in my life, my business, and my home.
3. I'm currently reading "the happiness project", if you haven't read if I highly recommend it, she had wanted to start a blog and made it a point to take the plunge- and that was inspiration for me.
4. To let others see how fun, exciting, and sometimes way easier than you'd think to whip up a delicious dinner, bake a cake from scratch, tackle that project you've seen... or to paint a piece of furniture (unless its an 8 ft by 8 ft book case- more on that later!) or even sewing...
What will I be posting about?
-In January of this year I bought my first home- construction ended and I moved in on May 2nd, join me as I share home projects, and decorating my space.
-In October of 2012, my friend Vanessa and I signed a contract with University Pickers, a antique mall here in Huntsville- it was something we had both dreamed about and decided to make a reality! We have had our booth "Two Peddlers" since opening day, January 5th, it has been both challenging and rewarding to see our business flourish! I will share in my addiction of thrifting, yard sailing, estate sales, painting, and crafting.
-Cooking and baking! Who doesn't love to eat? Will post some of my favorite recipes and new things I try, if their not flops of course...
-Just my life in general, anything I may find worthy to share, because I can honestly say I'm in a great place, I'm happier than I've ever been! And I can't wait to see what's still in store.
So I hope you gain something from this because I know I will!